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MFA Client Standard Installation
The MFA client installation executable is an easy-to-follow tool if you are doing a new installation. If you are upgrading your MFA client(s), the new executable can be run overtop of your current version and will maintain all of your current settings.
It is not advised to upgrade your client version past your current server version. If you need more information about upgrading your MFA server, please see our MFA Server Upgrade Information page.
Visit our Release Notes & Downloads section to find the client version you need. If the version you are looking for is not available, it is no longer supported.
The MFA client installation requires the computer to be restarted afterwards. Please be sure all of your current work is properly closed out or saved.
- Right-click the client .exe to "Run as administrator". If the UAC prompt appears, click "Yes".
- When the installer finishes loading, a warning that a restart is required. Click "Yes".
- On the first page of the installer, click "Next".
- Accept the license agreement and hit "Next".
On the Setup Type page, select "Server Mode".
5a. Update the Server URL by removing the "Example: " text and change "servername" to your MFA server's URL.HTTP vs HTTPSBe sure that you set the URL to the proper protocol. If your MFA server is not set up for HTTPS but leave the "S" in the URL, client-server connections will fail.
Click "Next" when finished.
Verify or update the installation path and click "Next".
- Click "Install".
- Wait for the installation to complete. When it's finished, you'll receive a prompt that the computer will need to be restarted. Click "OK".
- If the intended policy settings do not take right away, after the first restart, a second restart may be needed.
- For a clean install, if none of above steps appeared for you after running it, it's possible you ran the MSI installation and not the EXE. See our .MSI install article about adding a registry setting for the Server Sync URL.
- If you are unable to get into the client due to the authentication tiles not working, you may need to reboot the computer in Safe Mode to uninstall the MFA software.