Enrolling A FIDO Token
  • 30 Dec 2022
  • 1 Minute to read
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Enrolling A FIDO Token

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Article summary

Be sure your FIDO profile and PIN policy have been set up before having your users enroll their tokens. To make sure you are set up or you need to learn more, please see our articles on Creating a PIN Policy or Configuring A FIDO Token Profile.

  1. Through the Enrollment Tile or the desktop application, your FIDO enrollment will be done through the app's Enrollment Wizard.

  2. Make sure your token is plugged into the computer before starting the enrollment process.

  3. In the Enrollment Wizard page, select "FIDO".
    1 - EW - main.png

  4. Follow the on-screen instructions to enroll your token.
    2 - fido.png

  5. When the token is recognized, you will be asked to give your device a name. Click "Next".
    2 - fido - name2.png

  6. You will be prompted to create a PIN. Click "Save" once you've confirmed your PIN.
    If your PIN policy utilizes the "Windows Password as PIN" option or does not use a PIN at all, you will not be asked for a PIN entry.
    2 - fido - pw.png

  7. Once complete, you will be brought back to the Enrollment Wizard's main page. Notice your FIDO option now appears green to show you've enrolled this authentication method. If you have no other enrollments to do, click "Save".
    1 - EW - main - fido registered.png

  8. If you are using the desktop application, you will receive one final pop-up. Clicking "Yes" will log you out of the entire Windows session; take care when answering.


If you are receiving the error "This token is not enrolled for this user", check your current FIDO token. You are only allowed to have one FIDO token enrolled to your user at a time. This error will appear for all previous tokens except for the most recently registered.


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