Enrolling Soft OTP Tokens
  • 15 Jul 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Enrolling Soft OTP Tokens

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Article summary

The following steps are for soft OTP tokens that have been set up outside of the RapidIdentity mobile app (i.e. Google or Microsoft Authenticator) or OTP-only within the RI app. The tokens must be uploaded to the MFA server beforehand for the enrollment(s) to work with the "Token ID", which must be given to the user by an Admin.

The following steps are done after the user has set up their OTP account in their mobile app of choice.

  1. Go to the organization's Self-Service Portal and log in as the user enrolling.
    otpSignUp 1 - sign in.png

  1. Underneath the Setup alternative methods section, click "I have a token to register".
    otpSignUp 2 - token to register.png

  1. All of the methods available to your username will appear. Click the plus button (+) on the OTP tile.
    otpSignUp 3 - add.png

  1. Follow the on-screen instructions and fill out the 3 boxes.
    otpSignUp 4 - input codes.png

    *The "Token ID" should be given to you by an Admin. This ID coincides with the QR that was scanned and used to create your mobile OTP account.

  1. A success notification will appear at the top of the screen when the enrollment is complete. Click "Ok" to close it out.
    otpSignUp 5 - success.png

Your soft OTP registration is now complete and you can now log out of the Self-Service Portal.

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