Client Release Notes
  • 17 Aug 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Article summary

It's important to note that regardless of the version number, MFA Client v4.9.4.1 is the respective client version to MFA Server v4.9.4.6.

Downloads Client (.exe) Client (.msi - Full) - For a full, clean install of the client software Client (.msi - Update) - For upgrading a currently installed client


  • A prompt is now displayed to users when setting up security answers to prevent losing the answers
  • A silent method to install browser plugins for Internet Explore and Safari has been added
  • The installer has been modified to install new modules required to automatically roll keys in the client folder
  • Crossmatch drivers are now supported by fingerprint functionality as DPUAU mode

Bug Fixes

  • If a PIN or password has been blocked, the user is no longer required to remove a card from the reader to reset the blocked status
  • Enrollment tile now allows bluetooth if the user is at Shared Workstation logon or the user will be able to launch the Enrollment Wizard on the client to enroll bluetooth; After the bluetooth method has been enrolled, the status icon is now green, instead of red
  • If a user is already logged in remotely and a local client user logs in, the user information is not displayed to either user when ""donotdisplaylastusername" is set
  • RDP logon no longer fails if local logon is not allowed
  • The Enrollment tile no longer shows invalid name when the workstation is locked
  • Demo build available to support both Picto and QRCode

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